Monday, December 31, 2012

Web Design Versus Web Development

250 FREE Business CardsConditions of web designer and web developer are used interchangeably in the media and advertising. But they are not the same. The proposal involves what the visitor sees on your website, include the development of web functionality. This article examines the difference between the two disciplines.The website contains a number of aspects:

Look and feel - especially graphics, color scheme, navigation elements, etc.
Content - information, products, etc., are available on the website.
Function - the function contains interactive features that site offers visitors and provide them with the necessary infrastructure.
Usability - the site visitor's perspective and includes things like program interactions, navigation and usefulness.
Appearance and behaviorThe appearance and behavior of the Web site provides general appearance. Graphic designer decides to use, what colors and fonts, and layout of cities as sites.Grafik has aesthetic sense and a feel for what the combination of colors and images, images that site owner wants to have site visitors have a project.ContentThe content is all text that is in place and includes all of the data protection very persuasive sales letter extolling the benefits of the product and asks the visitor to part with their hard earned money and everything in between. If so, then the written text content. Need a copywriter and editor to create good content.UtilityFunctionality includes all the interactive aspects of the site and includes animation. The common denominator is that the programmer with various web programming languages ​​to create either a Web server or Web browser, all of these functions.Flash can be used for animated graphics. Perl, PHP and Java programming languages ​​are used on the Web to create advanced dynamic web pages. This site may work alone, but most commonly with a database to store all the features we expect to create a website.JavaScript in the browser using the many cool effects, such as storing images when the mouse moves over the image, "ticker tape" Create links changing colors, etc. It works in JavaScript in the user's web browser, and not on the web server.There are other "back-end" applications. Transparent to visitors such as forms processing, content management, and other management programs that make it possible for non-programmers, as many aspects of the website to maintain dataAll of these programs are to be used in the HTML web page to be integrated.ApplicabilityUsability is the website from the user perspective and are here mainly to test things such as:

It is the look and feel of the presentation correct picture?
If the navigation is user-friendly?
It signpost visitors where the owner wants it back?
Is the site load quickly?
Applications are working properly


  1. I agree with your post that web design and web development both are different from each other.Designing is about giving look to the website by design tools and development used for implement the website by using codes in php,java and many more. Thanks for this informative sharing.

    Chattanooga web design

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