Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear Website or Blog Owner

Dear site owner or blog:They know the secret to getting first page ranking of your website is the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing), a lot of backlinks. In other words, you have to get a lot more websites linking to people.sa website. For a lot of links to your site and the search engines will reward you handsomely. But. No links to your site the vast sea of ​​websites languish, and no one visitsSo how do you get these backlinks? In minute show system makes it easy to share unlimited PURE One Way Backlinks large number of sites in a variety of locations and IP addresses to link the maximum. But first, let's look at the traditional ways to get links now, why this system is so good, time efficient and low-cost.Links on this page INTRODUCTION - DilemmaUp to get backlinks task was ridiculously high. Like most webmasters do? You can choose from the following methods:

Send e-mail to other websites and link exchange
Submit your website URL online directories
Participate in online forums and comments on blogs
Write articles for magazines
Buy links to link brokers and SEO Company
To hire an individual link builders do forums like Digital Point link building for you

The problem is that this method

It does not work
Working hours daily distressing Record
Cost a fortune
All of the above
Most webmasters know that reciprocal links ("I'll put a link to me if you have") does not help much these days, and besides, who wants to spend hours every day unwanted e-mail from other webmasters unlikely one for each of up to 100 of them to respond to emails? Online directories can (or can not) send a link to a page that has many layers buried deep in the directory is not indexed by search engines. Forums and blog owners are more sophisticated and can smell a marketing agenda a mile away. Write articles for magazines, is still good, but how many items you think you need to write? The number of links you will need a large number of links to sites that the search engines do not see duplicate content, you need to write a series of articles for many years. This is still a good way to promote your website, do not get me wrong, but time will have to pass to get a number of quality links is huge.And of course, you can buy the bonds, or buy services from a person or organization can get these links to you, but the costs can be very large very quickly. Do you want to buy good links? The cheapest price I found is about $ 3 per link! Most of these services require more than $ 10, $ 100 or even more link! Need directory submissions? This costs a few hundred dollars. No matter what link building service and see the cost of buying links really brings a lot of money quickly.To solve this problem, I have developed a service called Neuro stopped about two years ago. This is still a great service (eg networks, such as Linkvana and 1WayLinks link) still works well. However, the neuro-linker solution to a very comprehensive link building, and it offers more features than some people want. In addition, use 3-way links or cigars, and about 1 links to the Internet via the owners do not want to add outbound links to websites. People clean 1 way links have been forced to go to more expensive systems such as Linkvana, which costs $ 100 - $ 200 a month. After working in the matter for several months, I realized that what I really needed a cost-effective network that anyone can break the build unlimited number of backlinks without breaking the bank.

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