Monday, January 7, 2013

ECommerce Website Design

e-commerce sites have developed their own unique character, where visitors will result in a simple task - make an online purchase. A web designer has a number of online selling principles to consider when designing an ecommerce website. In this article, we will try to examine some aspects of the design of the most important things that you must have an e-commerce site.Many of you may be wondering why site design, ecommerce web design is different from any other website. They all have interesting, well planned and good color that matches the spirit website and so on. Your instincts are good. However, a look at some e-commerce sites successfully reveals differences in the common concept of a successful e-commerce site.An e-commerce site must comply with the principles of agreements to sell certain:

Provide users an enjoyable experience while shopping online.
Make sure you have enough information about the site and why they should trust
The website must be easy to use. If this is not the case, the visitor will go to your competitors.These principles are nothing new. We all know the basic principles of our everyday experience in the mall, shopping center and all other markets waiting for us to open our wallets. The big challenge for web designers is how to translate traditional marketing techniques in the virtual world of the Internet. I'm sure you've all noticed that in most supermarkets bread stand at the other end of the building was laid, but you can use fresh bread at the entrance (sometimes even a special air duct carries the smell) scent. This is done deliberately. Marketers use our sense of smell to draw us into the store, where we are exposed to all sorts of tempting items that we get our bread.How do you draw a imaginary journey into a web page? Developing a way for visitors to do what you do for him ... make an online purchase will bring. Unlike supermarkets, our website has no odor. A website of the distance from one point to another is approximately the same, so that the output is always available. On the website you can try to think "platform" the best way to expose visitors to order many products, but there is always a chance that he and shortcuts to other pages, the way how you arrived on your site.As you can see, even if your product on the Internet is easier than renting space and opening a supermarket. However, selling your products on the Internet can be difficult.An e-commerce website design is a good visitation rights in one or two clicks to bring more. Sometimes web designers use techniques that are not considered non-eCommerce websites about. Anyone at least seen a sales letter site. On these sites, only a link to the order form. Advertising letter is not normal e-commerce site because they usually sell a single product. This allows web developers the ability to exaggerate the principle of click and make an advantage. All the facts about the product, the user is presented so intelligently. Every few lines he has the option at the click command if it is not sure that he will have the opportunity to continue to read more facts and testimonials on the product. Believe it or not, these sites are actually selling sales letter."What about online stores?" Shop online face more than one product. Indeed, the increase in the number of products, complexity of web sites. Electronic commerce websites use a variety of sophisticated technologies to provide the personal best selection of products to visitors to decide. Personalization technology is an important part of electronic commerce website modern. However, this issue is beyond the scope of this article. ECommerce technological know-how personal website has a great influence on the design. Push the first to use this technology was,, books to their customers in visitors in the past used by the order according to their statistics to all visitors to predict what a person at a certain time, you can also accrued interest were decided in combined reading. Challenge now is to try to predict what the user makes his first visit as well.A web design e-commerce is also available. An important aspect is where the user's eyes at the first sight when you go to search website Much has been done on the subject. Most studies have shown that the middle region of the left side will get the most attention followed by the center of the page. Using this technique, web designers try to draw "on the road" in the eyes of visitors, like what is done in supermarkets. An experienced eCommerce web designer how to create a design that meets the requirements.When you open an e-commerce website or you already have one, make sure you understand the principles of web design online sales. Consider consulting with an experienced website designer preferably someone who has experience with e-commerce websites.


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