Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Visualscope Website Services

Marketing is the act of acquiring customers. It is how your customers see your business and website. In this article we will explore in detail the things that work and do not work in marketing. We'll show you the most common mistakes committed in the marketing and the steps to fix it. You will discover how much money you have to spend on advertising, and what to do when you run out of money.

Who owes its marketing?Marketing is a major source of frustration and disappointment for many companies. An advertising sales representative knocked on their door, and they need the money (probably a lot of money) with a representative. Large employers disappointment, marketing efforts there was almost no results. What's worse - the company is now insufficient funds.It would be nice if you do not have to deal with more marketing? Do not you feel more relaxed and less stressed when a continuous stream of customers is always a compromise to your door? Probably absent owner sounds so good, so many people. People think, "If I only could the owner is not present, is not involved in marketing again." What stress!Then there are marketing and advertising agency websites that are attractive. These people are professionals in marketing! They dedicate their careers to online marketing and traditional reputation depends on the success of their marketing efforts. It would be nice if you could all your marketing surrender, so you do not have to worry about marketing?Let me dispel two myths, now that you're losing can save thousands of dollars.The first myth is the idea that you do not have to worry about marketing. Should spend their time studying advertising, analysis of the effectiveness of previous campaigns, advertising, and to ensure that companies and websites. Visible in the right way by the clientThe second myth is that an advertising agency or web marketing company will be able to solve all the headaches of marketing for you. So what settings to work with an advertising agency or design for all your marketing needs? Some of the stuff. First, those who are called "account executives" just fancy name for "sales rep." When you talk to one of them once, one of the first questions they ask: "Mr. Owner, how much money you have in your marketing budget?" Since distributors are paid a commission, which then goes to "fix" the advertising for you in how much money you have. This is the best advertisement for you? Not necessarily. Are you only makes you pay.In addition, advertising agencies often certain relationships with companies such as newspapers and radio stations. Guess what advertising agencies are prescribed to you? Newspapers and radio ads! This is the best advertisement for your business? What is a mini-website design, landing pages, pay per click campaign?Our biggest problem with advertising agencies, but the effectiveness of their proposals. The biggest problem with them is that you can not learn everything. It's like a fast approach. We have employers who have spent $ 50,000 or $ 100,000 to hire an advertising agency belongs. At best, the campaign was very good. However, the owner has no clue about marketing, and why everything went well. What if a year is no longer on the road, advertising the same job? Want another $ 50,000 or $ 100,000 to spend to hire another agency? What if I can not pay? Will you go with a cheap marketing consultant promises to solve all your marketing headaches $ 500? What advice would you really trust him? We all know what that means `m. "Search Engine Optimization for $ 99 per month! Results Guaranteed first page!" Nonsense.If we do not learn to sell, always will be. At the mercy of the sales representatives, consultants and advertising agencies who want to take your money All sorts of people who want to take advantage of you because they know that marketing is one of the biggest pain for small businesses. You will see some marketing seminar or audio program that promises a free web design templates and marketing advice. It's so easy ... All you have to do is fill-in-the-blank, follow the formula, and send it out! Frank with you, we have tried, and if. A terrible answer, or a group of angry customers offended by that marketing materialWe're not trying to hit our industry here. Finally, we are in consultation with the place, and teach marketing. What we do not know what advice is that if you do not get to hear about marketing yourself. If you do not understand marketing and marketing guru three shows three different ways to market your business, I'm sure you're having trouble choosing what to go.You're the only one who has to do the marketing for your business. If your company is not marketing works, the client will not come in. If customers do not come, you will. Out of business in no time It follows that reward responsible marketing is like giving your business life. Makes them dependent on others for all the work of your business. If the person who has so much confidence (in the case of an agency, consultant or employee) - if not the level of business we have is to bring hope, where they were, with the exception of having less money your bank account.I'm not saying that marketing is easy. If you've never been taught to marketing issues that may seem intimidating. It was so personal and so close to his case because his life in many ways, depending on its success in the market. Most of the people we met had a lot of pain associated with marketing. For some reason, this only seems to be an area that can not think. For example, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) seems mysterious and magical. It made sense both in the past, explained a representative or advisor if necessary. They try to get away with it and put it close to their expectations.So what should you do? First you have to start with and learning about things you may have heard about marketing. You heard right. First you must unlearn what you have in your mind before you can receive our marketing knowledge. You see, everyone seems to have a different opinion about marketing. Each consultant, every teacher, every friend, every dealer, every agency ... Everyone will tell you something else about marketing. If you try to do what everyone says absorb and synthesize try to reach their own solutions, you'll be very confused.

Marketing DefinedThere is a big difference between marketing and advertising. Marketing is how customers see your business. This perception is influenced by sending promotional materials, but more than that. As a guest, you should review the way their staff courteous customer service, and your website is designed (apparently outdated? They clean or dirty?) How easy is to lead customers to the concerns that quality of work done to influence their customers ... Everything that affects the perception of its customers is marketing.As you can see, advertising is only one component of marketing. Online advertising offers customers successfully in place, but if customers stay with you is something else. You can make big statements in their advertising and attract more customers to your landing page, but if you can not pay well, their marketing is not working.To be successful in your marketing, your customer on your website as a place to be seen again. So what is a place again? What type of exercise you should look for? There are several ways:

Best price
A wide selection
The best value
The high quality of work
Experts in this kind of work
The guarantee complete
Better customer serviceThe list can go on and on. Even last year we have worked for several companies. For marketing to be successful, its clients to your business as a place to find the best deals on customer service.

What is a marketing success?What looks like a marketing success? How to know if you have done a good job in marketing your website and business? The answer is very simple. If successful marketing must continually grow their revenues.Note that I use the word revenue and profits. There is a big difference between revenue and profit. With more customers, more sales and regular customers who spend more money each time they come to activities that increase your income. Basically, you put more money in the door. If we get the money so that they take home more money. If you can not manage your money well, we could have taken a lot more customers, but still take home the same amount of money to take as before.Marketing is the activity, put more money in the door. Finance is the business of managing money, allowing you to take home more money. If you do a great job in marketing will increase your income. If you do a great job in finance, profits will increase. In other words, a marketing success should not get to take home more money. In order to have more money at home, you need to combine good marketing and financial good.Another thing that shows that if you are a marketing success, your income should grow steadily. Notice I did not say that your business is growing faster, the better. This is a very important point. Many business owners out of business because his company grew too fast.At first, this may seem like a contradiction. How can bankruptcy? When too much money at the door The answer to this disparity is not clear from the beginning. But if I show you, you begin to understand why the steady growth is best grown in excess. As your business grows too fast, you get much more money out the door. They have a lot of customers, and you need the services of each. First, it is more hectic than ever. In the past, you could have the time to make sure you take a really good job for each client. Now I just have rushed to get all the work done.Levels of customer satisfaction can go down. You may need to wait much longer to wait, because there are five other customers in front of them. So the first problem with growing too fast that you can not pay all the customers as well as you can. The second problem with growing too fast that you need to develop and possibly form new web site designers, programmers, rental and personal customer service only to improve customer service. Although this supplement is expensive!Let me ask you this. If you have owned your business for a while, it is true that companies come in cycles? It is true that at certain times of the year when you are very busy, and at certain times of the year when you are not there? What if? Deterioration in business What if a client is coming again, and not finding enough work to do?You just spent a lot of money hiring new designers, programmers, SEO consultants and more. Now you have all the employees are not doing enough. Is the deterioration of the company so you do not use a lot of money is at the door. Have all employees who are tired and have to pay for everything. When you start laying off workers, may reduce the enthusiasm of the people. If your company is strapped for cash, things can get ugly. Many companies grow too fast, ran out of money and out of business.Finally, for the third out of the company is growing too fast, they do not know how to handle the increase in revenue. If you are suddenly a lot of customers suddenly get a lot more money in the door.What will you do with all that money? Most people do not know what to do. Never take them a lot of money, they lose money. It's a bit like winning the lottery suddenly $ 40 million.What will you do with all that money? Most people start losing money and spending like crazy because they think it will not leak. Well, believe it or not, the next recession, and are not only short of money, but they also have to spend money to acquire bad habits like crazy.More and more people in the company to grow rapidly fast enough. Therefore, we say that to see the sign of a good marketing program to grow your business, not explode. This begs the question: What is a good growth, stable? What is a healthy growth rate? Healthy growth is to increase their income in a 10-20% per annum. Increase by 20% a year, nearly pushed, so let's say 15% per year growth rate can be very good. If your income is growing at 10-20% per year, which will make an excellent job in marketing

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