Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Middle of winter in 2012

Your company to grow need more added to the website, or just check the new Web CMS system for a short list of some of your candidate? 'Has Met a few highlights from the past year a number of our competitors tack for assistance.Tools we use content management continues to get more complex as it becomes more intuitive. Most businesses have unique needs that can not be met by the system, but it's just simple CMS that you do not seem to choose the right fit.Just remember, that no matter which system to choose a business, it is a matter of experience. Oh, and that experience is now in the cloud. We will talk more about next year.Alfresco debut cloud, Autonomy / HP IBM chief continue to buy new law dust-up +Middle of winter in 2012, debuted in alfresco enterprise contribution 4, the first mobile version accessible CMS. By the time spring arrives, contributing to release a cloud storage company. It is 50 GB of free cloud storage (working email required).We are in alphabetical order, but can not, because we have a letter, we felt compelled to take one more disaster Hewlett Packard. It must be a picnic for autonomy, and its effect on HP was purchased in 2012 from what it does not end well. We work with us to see what HP autonomy, and then it all went bad. Quickly.Rumors IBM-'s that the RIM BlackBerry, automakers have gone to buy, but which one was involved. Replaced with IBM began in 2012 with a new CEO, and he started near the end of 2011, IBM has been doing the same thing in their way. Purchase Green Hat-IBM in January, followed by another profit immediately.Enterprise Web CMS + Web Experience Management2012 was another banner year for social media acquisitions Oracle. Collective intelligence and Vitrue like it was bought at the beginning of the year, and in conjunction with other organizations, and social relations between the Management Suite unchanged.Oracle also has its own private cloud and launched a cloud-based subscription. This action will continue on the desired solution for the enterprise as clear Saas model, the peak for 2012 organized.

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